

Wastewater Services of Still Waters Engineering

Still Waters Engineering is experienced in providing Civil/Environmental Engineering services for all parts of your wastewater collection and treatment systems.  Our capabilities include design of the following wastewater system infrastructure:

  • Wastewater Treatment Systems
  • Land Application Facilities
  • Gravity Sewer Mains
  • Lift Stations
  • Force Mains

At Still Waters we are capable of guiding your wastewater project through all phases of a project's life cycle.  We assist communities in identifying infrastructure deficiencies and developing master plans for rehabilitation or replacement of existing infrastructure as well as expansion of systems into new service areas and planning for new wastewater collection and treatment systems.  In addition to engineering design services, we are capable of providing all necessary permitting in connection with your wastewater project.  We also assist our clients throughout the bidding and construction phases of our projects to ensure your project can be completed on time and under budget. 

Still Waters believes that the thing that sets us apart from many other engineering firms is our ability to help clients identify all available sources of funding for a project so that the client can select the most advantageous method of funding a project based on their unique fiscal circumstances.  Still Waters' staff is familiar with funding projects through various programs  including:

  • USDA Rural Development Programs
  • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
  • Georgia Environmental Finance Authority Programs
  • OneGeorgia Authority
  • Employment Incentive Program (EIP)
  • US Economic Development Administration (EDA)

Whether you are looking for someone to perform a simple rate study, need help with an I&I study, require assistance with resolving issues with a regulatory authority, or need an engineer to design a new wastewater system from the ground up, Still Waters Engineering can assist you with any need you may have for your drinking water system.